Meal Box Distribution 派送盒饭筹款活动

We’ll be consistently delivering meals filled with love! 🍱 Let’s utilize the strength of a small act to provide warmth and care to underprivileged communities. 🥰 Join us in our initiative and let love bloom in the spring breeze! 🌸

御膳饭堂将持续派送爱心盒饭!🍱 让我们用小小的力量,为弱势群体带来一份温饱和关怀。 🥰 加入我们的行动,让爱心在春风中绽放!🌸



📝 御膳饭堂 X 特殊儿童教育计划 📝

📝 御膳饭堂 X 特殊儿童教育计划 📝


现今社会上许多只患有轻微的先天性缺陷特殊新儿,因不被重视与无法接受到正确的教育…导致越来越严重… 教育是社会进步的基石,也是改变命运的关键。

无论一个家庭的经济状况和困难,每个孩子们都应享有平等的教育机会💓 御膳原为一所饭堂,成立慈善协会已有2年的时间,但我们希望可以用我们小小的力量呼吁大家一人一点力量的布施💖小小力量帮助更多有需要的人🙏

我们御膳饭堂目前有个 《特殊孩子教育计划》 

❤️ 通过捐助特殊教育计划,您可以帮助:






💪🏻让我们一起走进特殊新儿的世界🌍真正的了解并帮助他们 我们衷心希望可以得到您最大能力的支持与布施🙏🏻🙏🏻完成拨款后我们会在facebook post上证明照片。

感恩❣️ ———————————————— 

📍Public bank: 3231102709 

📍Bank Account: Persatuan Kebajikan Cahaya Harapan Kuala Lumpur


Coffin & Funeral Case 施棺个案编号 -YS008: The late Tan Yuk Mei

Coffin & Funeral Case – YS008: The late Tan Yuk Mei (85 y/o), had no children. During her life, she and her husband led a simple, peaceful life in their old age. However, a few months ago, her husband passed away from lung cancer. 

With no children and having spent most of her savings to handle her husband’s funeral, Ms Tan had been living in financial hardship recently. The days without her husband were filled with a deep sense of helplessness and loneliness, and her mood was often clouded with sorrow and depression. 

Perhaps heaven could not bear to see her continue to struggle in such solitude and difficulty, as Ms Tan peacefully passed away in her sleep recently, leaving this world. Fortunately, her unresponsive state was discovered by a neighbour who visited her home, ensuring that her body and final arrangements were properly taken care of. 

As Ms Tan is facing financial issues and there is no other family or friends to assist, we have decided to crowdfund her coffin and funeral arrangements to finish the final rites. Here, we sincerely appeal to everyone to lend a helping hand so that the last journey of the deceased can be fulfilled. 

🪷  – Coffin Donation Boundless Merit – 🪷 

If you’re keen to donate for this funeral, you may refer to our fundraising platform👇🏻

✅ Bank Account Name : Persatuan Kebajikan Cahaya Harapan Kuala Lumpur 

✅ Public Bank : 3231102709 

Please contact us to request for donation receipt, all donations will be recorded for calculation purpose, thank you ❤️ 


施棺个案编号 – YS008: 





🪷 – 布施棺木 功德无量 – 🪷


 ✅Donation Account : Persatuan Kebajikan Cahaya Harapan Kuala Lumpur 

✅Public Bank : 3231102709 

请完成捐助的善心人士联系我们以获取捐款收据,每笔善款都将被记录在册作为统计用途,感恩 ❤️


Coffin & Funeral Case 施棺个案编号 -YS007: Mr Ng Ah Peow

Coffin & Funeral Case – YS007: The late Mr Ng Ah Peow, aged 57, was an honest and hardworking renovation worker. Some time ago, he suffered a lung infection, and the doctors diagnosed that his health condition was not promising. 

Since then, he had been hospitalized for long-term treatment. Unable to work, his financial situation and health gradually deteriorated. Recently, Mr Ng passed away in the hospital. As his only brother has limited income and there is no other family or friends to assist, we have decided to crowdfund his coffin and funeral arrangements to finish the final rites. 

Here, we sincerely appeal to everyone to lend a helping hand so that the last journey of the deceased can be fulfilled. 

🪷  – Coffin Donation Boundless Merit – 🪷

If you’re keen to donate for this funeral, you may refer to our fundraising platform👇🏻 

✅ Bank Account Name : Persatuan Kebajikan Cahaya Harapan Kuala Lumpur 

✅ Public Bank : 3231102709 

Please contact us to request for donation receipt, all donations will be recorded for calculation purpose, thank you ❤️ 


施棺个案编号 – YS007: 往生者黄亜標先生,享年57岁,生前是一位老实勤奋的装修工人。前阵子,他肺部受到感染,医生诊断出他的身体状况不乐观。自此,他就长期留院接受治疗。在没有办法工作的情况下,他的经济条件和健康状态都越来越不好。 



🪷 – 布施棺木 功德无量 – 🪷 

若有意捐助这次的施棺费用,可透过我们的官方筹款户口👇🏻 ✅Donation Account : Persatuan Kebajikan Cahaya Harapan Kuala Lumpur 

✅Public Bank : 3231102709

 请完成捐助的善心人士联系我们以获取捐款收据,每笔善款都将被记录在册作为统计用途,感恩 ❤️


Coffin & Funeral Case 施棺个案编号 -YS006: Mr Tong Jen Teck

Coffin & Funeral Case – YS006: The late Mr Tong Jen Teck, who passed away at the age of 47, was a responsible and hardworking father. During his lifetime, he worked multiple jobs to support his family, such as a newspaper deliveryman, a Lalamove delivery, and a driver. 

Unfortunately, last year while working, he was involved in a car accident that resulted in kidney damage, after which he could only battle illness from his hospital bed. A year later, Mr Tong ultimately succumbed to the pain and injuries caused by the car accident. 

Given his family’s financial difficulties, few relatives, and young children, we decided to crowdfund his coffin and funeral arrangements to finish the final rites. Here, we sincerely appeal to everyone to lend a helping hand so that the last journey of the deceased can be fulfilled. 

🪷  – Coffin Donation Boundless Merit – 🪷 

If you’re keen to donate for this funeral, you may refer to our fundraising platform👇🏻 

✅ Public Bank : 3231102709 

✅ Bank Account Name : Persatuan Kebajikan Cahaya Harapan Kuala Lumpur 

Please contact us to request for donation receipt, all donations will be recorded for calculation purpose, thank you ❤️ 


施棺个案编号 – YS006: 往生者汤仁德先生,享年47岁,是一位尽责勤劳的父亲。他生前为了养家,一人同时做几份工作,比如报纸派送员、Lalamove、司机等等。

不幸的是,在去年工作的时候,他遭遇车祸,造成肾损伤,从此就只能在病床上与病魔战斗。 一年后,汤先生最终抵抗不了车祸带来的病痛去世了。由于本身家庭的经济条件不好,亲人不多,孩子也还小,因此最终我们决定为他施棺众筹以便完成他最后的身后事。


🪷 – 布施棺木 功德无量 – 🪷


✅Public Bank : 3231102709 

✅Donation Account : Persatuan Kebajikan Cahaya Harapan Kuala Lumpur 

请完成捐助的善心人士联系我们以获取捐款收据,每笔善款都将被记录在册作为统计用途,感恩 ❤️


Coffin & Funeral Case 施棺个案编号 -YS005: Ms Ho Mei Woon

Coffin & Funeral Case – YS005: The late Ms Ho Mei Woon (63 y/o), was a woman who lived alone and had no children. Her health was not in good condition before passed away. She suffered from the “three highs” (high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and high cholesterol) and heart disease, requiring frequent hospital visits for checkups. However, due to inconvenient transportation and financial difficulties, she had only undergone basic treatments and checkups for a long time, without deeper medical care. 

Recently, Ms Ho unfortunately suffered a stroke at home and passed away before she was taken to the hospital. Due to her poor financial situation and the fact that she had no family members, we decided to crowdfund her coffin and funeral arrangements to finish the final rites. Here, we sincerely appeal to everyone to lend a helping hand so that the last journey of the deceased can be fulfilled. 


施棺个案编号 – YS005: 往生者何美云女士,享年63岁,是一名独居妇女,膝下没有任何子嗣。在她往生前,她的身体状况并不大健康。她患有三高及心脏疾病问题,需要经常去医院接受检查。然而,由于交通不便,加上经济条件不好,她长时间以来也只是做些简单的治疗检查,未曾深入调理身体。 近期,身体每况愈下的何女士不幸在家中风,来不及送往医院前就离开了这个世界。由于何女士本身经济条件不好,加上身边没有任何亲人,最终我们决定为她施棺众筹并且完成她最后的身后事。在此,我们诚挚地呼吁大家伸出援手,让这位往生者的最后一程得以圆满。


Coffin & Funeral Case 施棺个案编号 -YS004: Mr. Lock Tuck Weng

Mr. Lock Tuck Weng, a single man who passed away at the age of 48. He born into an ordinary family and had a sister. Throughout his life, he grappled with health problems and psychological difficulties, which resulted in prolonged periods of unemployment and financial instability. Initially, his sister provided financial support, but over time, the burden grew increasingly heavy. She experienced feelings of helplessness and unease. Recently, the neighbors living near Mr. Lock’s residence noticed a foul odor coming from his home and realized they hadn’t seen him for several days. They knocked on his door, but there was no response. Eventually, the neighbors decided to call 999 to report the situation. When the police arrived, they confirmed that he had passed away, estimating that he had been dead for a few days. Upon hearing the tragic news, his sister was devastated. Since Mr. Lock had not much savings and his only sister was also in a difficult financial situation, we decided to crowdfund his coffin and funeral arrangements to finish his final rites. Here, we sincerely appeal to everyone to lend a helping hand so that the last journey of this deceased can be fulfilled.
 🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷 🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷 🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷🪷
陆德荣,享年48岁,是一名未婚的单身男子。他生于一个普通家庭,本身还有一位妹妹。在生前,他饱受身体健康问题和心理障碍的困扰,导致他长期无法工作,没有稳定的收入来源。最初,妹妹还时不时会接济他,然而日子久了,他的妹妹逐渐感到负担。看着哥哥一点痊愈的迹象都没有,无助的她也经常感到焦虑不安。 近期,居住在陆先生家附近的邻居们留意到他的住处散发出一股恶臭味,并且连续几天都没有看到陆先生的身影,于是便敲了敲他的门,但无人应答。最终,邻居决定拨打999报警。警察到达现场后,确认陆德荣已经死亡,并且估计已经去世了几天。得知这消息的妹妹听到这噩耗后感到伤心不已。 由于陆德荣本身积蓄不多,唯一的妹妹经济状况也不好,因此我们决定为他施棺众筹并且完成他最后的身后事。在此,我们诚挚地呼吁大家伸出援手,让这位往生者的最后一程得以圆满。

Coffin & Funeral Case 施棺个案编号 -YS003: Mr Chang Kup Siong

Mr Chang Kup Siong, aged 71, is married but has no children. His wife passed away long ago. As he enters old age, he suffers from hypertension,hyperglycemia and gastric disease, enduring long-term pain and suffering.
Recently, Mr Chang passed away after being unable to resist the ravages of his illness. Since he didn’t have any family members, we decided to crowdfund his coffin and funeral arrangements to finish his final rites. Here, we sincerely appeal to everyone to lend a helping hand so that the last journey of this deceased can be fulfilled.

Coffin & Funeral Case 施棺个案编号 -YS002: Mr. Chook Kwai Thong (Completed Case)

Mr. Chook Kwai Thong was a 71 y/o single man who lived alone for many years. He had no children. As he entered old age, his health began to deteriorate, with symptoms of high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and heart disease.
Recently, Mr. Chook passed away due to  stroke. Since he didn’t have any family members, we decided to crowdfund his coffin and funeral arrangements to finish his final rites. Here, we sincerely appeal to everyone to lend a helping hand so that the last journey of this deceased can be fulfilled.

Coffin & Funeral Case 施棺个案编号 -YS001: Mr. Tan Mun Keong(Completed Case)

Tan Mun Keong (67y/o) is a single man. After the death of his siblings, he has been left to live by himself.  Due to a family history of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and high blood sugar, his health is not very optimistic.   
Due to Mr. Tan’s financial situation and lack of family or friends, we ultimately decided to crowdfund for his coffin and complete the funeral arrangements. Here, we hope that everyone can contribute to help cover the funeral expenses for the deceased.
67岁的陈文强是一位独居的单身人士,兄弟姐妹去世后就只剩下他自己一人过日子。 由于陈先生的经济状况不可观,加上没有亲人朋友,我们决定为他施棺众筹并且完成他最后的身后事。在此,希望大家可以一起献上一份绵力,帮助布施往生者的丧礼费用。